Non -Needle Acupuncture treatment for Babies & Children

For over 25 years now, I have had the privilege as an Acupuncturist to be able to help many adults, babies and children with non-needle acupuncture treatments.

In my final year of my 4 year Health Science in TCM degree from UTS, I met Paul Movsessian, and I gotta say, my whole world changed from here. It was as if the words Paul was speaking was exactly what I had been searching for. It was truly a “lightbulb” moment for me and I haven’t looked back since.

You see, my TCM degree was based on Herbal theory, with chinese style acupuncture to support herbal decoctions. Points were needled deeply, obtaining “da qi” sensation. They were selected due to their elemental function. I was looking for more. Plently of students fainted, due to the strong needle style. I would only let certain people needle me as I often felt faint, clammy.

I eagerly went on to study under Paul with 2 post-graduate certificates and learn’t the 2 main styles of Japanese Acupuncture that I sill use today, Toyo Hari and Manaka styles. These 2 gentle Japanese styles of Acupuncture used non-needle techniques, treating patients with a “root & branch” treatment. Fine needles or blunt teishin were are used to balnace the pulses for instant changes. Steven Birch, a leader in TOYO HARI and Manaka styles taught me SHONISHIN, a paediatric non-needle acupuncture style for babies and children. A general, whole body treatement using an Enshin or Teishin (blunt needle) tonifies, and resolves symptoms in a very short time.

I began treating my son the following year after he projectile vomited milk one day across the dining room at 6 weeks of age. I used my teishin, the issue never re-cured again. I treated Nicholas for ailments such as teething, croup, bronchitis, to help with sleep regulation. It worked.

I’m happy to say my son is now a grown man of 18, and a regular patient of mine. He has seen the benefits over the years, and although he may not understand all there is to know, he knows it works.

I then went on to treat many children, with colds and flu, teething problems, sleep issues, digestive issues.

In the next blog, we look at what happens in a typical treatment.


Non-needle Acupuncture for Babies & Children


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