Japanese Acupuncture
Japanese Acupuncture works by bringing the body’s energy back into balance. Before treatment begins, the gathering of information through symptoms, pulse and tongue diagnosis all assist me to tell a pattern or story about your health and what has brought you to seek help with your health.
Fine Needles may be placed in the affected body part, or on opposite sides of the body. Treatment may be on the front and back. Heat may be applied in the form of MOXA (mugwort) or an Infrared lamp to bring warmth to cold areas or move stagnant energy.
So why work with me? I treat each client as an individual. Each Acupuncture treatment is unique to you and what you need to work on. I work on the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual levels and view the body as a whole.
I have a special interest in working with women on hormonal issues, period regulation, endocrine disorders, and peri-menopausal and Menopausal women as well as pregnancy and fertility treatments.
Non-needle treatments are also available.