Non-needle Acupuncture for Babies & Children

So, what’s involved in a non-needle Acupuncture treatment?

Treatments are generally very quick as children are very YANG in nature. After an initial questioning of current symptoms, the pulse is taken, colour of the skin is checked, a diagnosis is made, and points are selected on the hands/feet to treat with teishin. The pulse is re-checked after each needle to ensure a positive change has occured. Then a WBT (whole body treatment) is employed using the teishin or enshin instrument. The treatment may be followed by press tack needles or moxa, depending on the symptoms & or age of the child.

As an Acupuncturist it’s my job to help your body heal itself. Our bodies are, in general, very smart. I’m like the tour guide, that guides your Qi where to go or the train conductor, who tell’s the train when to leave, and what platform to go down. The meridians are the train tracks. If things aren’t running smoothly, then a blockage will affect all the other trains, things will slow down, eventually leading to a complete breakdown, and kaos.

Total treatment time is usually about 10-15 mins, depending on the age of the child and ability to co-operate and follow instructions.

For children with Global delay, ASD, ADHD, this may be quite a challege, and therefore generally half hour is allowed for discussion and treatment.

If you’d like to find out how I may be able to help your child, feel free to reach out to me on my mobile. I’m happy to have a free 15 min phone consult to see if I can help.


Non -Needle Acupuncture treatment for Babies & Children