Acupuncture & Pregnancy

Acupuncture can be useful to help you prepare for pregnancy, ease hip and back pain or other ailments during pregnancy, and prepare your body for labour.

Whether you are a first-time mother or need some support to be a mother, Acupuncture can be valuable in preparing your body for the changes ahead, both physically and emotionally.

Pregnancy occurs with a healthy sperm penetrates the egg. Egg quality and normal ovulation cycles may all be improved with regular Acupuncture and Herbs. Sperm quality may also be improved with Acupuncture.

If you’ve been trying to fall pregnant naturally but have not yet been successful, then perhaps I can help.

I’ve helped with cycle regulation, ovulation issues, and improvement in sperm quality all leading to a successful pregnancy and live birth.

Once pregnant, hip and groin pain, may be helped with a course of acupuncture.

After 35 weeks, Moxa may be used to ensure the baby’s head down and lower back pain is managed as the pelvis moves with impending labour.

Once the baby is born, Acupuncture may be useful to ensure a good milk supply occurs, and give the mother adequate energy levels and rest.

Acupuncture and Herbs may be used alongside IVF protocols, or as a stand-alone practice to help you achieve a healthy baby.


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